This gem, few people even get its name right. I’ve heard it called “roll over”, “Call Forwarding”… but it’s probably the most valuable business phone feature of them all. It allows a business to receive multiple, simultaneous calls without a customer hearing a busy signal. It’s much more professional than Call Waiting and allows a business to publicize one number but receive multiple calls.
Maybe not a business phone feature but still an underused telecom service. Your choice – buy a fax machine, pay for paper, ink and a monthly fee for a business phone line or have faxes sent electronically to your email box? Do you want potentially sensitive information sitting on a fax machine before you have time to retrieve it? How many times have you gone looking for a fax only to discover it missing because someone took their fax and yours as well? eFax puts everything directly where you want it, on your desktop, where it’s secure and can be easily saved or deleted.
7 Telephone Services Headed for Extinction
Call Forwarding:
Now they have the even fancier Follow Me service but you still have to appreciate good, old-fashioned Call Forwarding. Give out one phone number, leave the office and forward it to your mobile device and no one will know the difference. With Remote Access to Call Forwarding, you can turn your Call Forwarding on or off, even outside the office.
It’s amazing what can be accomplished with the variety of conferencing services available today. Share your desktop, crystal clear phone conversation, different muting options… all for little or no cost. Your sales people can present proposals to clients remotely; with more control than if they were sitting in front of their prospect.
Caller ID:
Try to go without Caller ID for a week, or even a day. Used to be, you answered the phone with no idea who it was on the other line. You’re goofing around with some coworkers and next thing you know, you’re talking to your boss. Sales people and ex spouses probably liked it better when they could surprise you, but everyone else is thrilled that they can identify those calls beforehand and handle accordingly.
Next week, Five Phone Features that don’t Belong on a Business Phone Line.
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