If you’re a CarrierBid customer experiencing trouble with your business phone, internet, VoIP, SIP, telecom consulting service providersMPLS or other telecom service, CarrierBid telecom consulting is here to help.

Please take the following steps:

  1. Call your provider’s repair telephone number.
  2. Secure a repair ticket number from your provider.
  3. Complete the following form so CarrierBid can expedite your repair.

A CarrierBid professional will contact your provider directly, to have your service back up sooner than later.  Our people have formed relationships with your carrier’s internal employees – the people that can get things done.

Don’t go it alone – get CarrierBid on your side.

If you would like to receive more information regarding CarrierBid telecom consulting, please complete the form on the bottom of this page.

What we are not!

What we are NOT!
NOT a Reseller
NOT “Maintaining Your Spend”
NOT Impacted by perpetual carrier Account Manager “Shuffle” (Do you know the names of your last five rep’s?)

Carrierbid is YOUR Master Agent. We give you honest comparisons to help you navigate the shark infested carrier waters. Most CarrierBid employees have previously worked for the carriers directly and have “Insider Information” that is used to your advantage.

Call us at


for immediate service or fill out the
form and we’ll be in touch right away.

  • Please describe how we can help:
    What services are you considering to drive your business higher?
    What challenges are you currently facing?