CarrierBid Communications, a full service telecom-consulting firm, introduces new web-based telecom Request for Pricing tool.
Successful telecom management begins with a properly structured telecom Request For Pricing (RFP). A well-crafted RFP establishes the parameters of a telecom negotiation. It helps define the services that are to be bid on and standardize the responses.
Telecom service provider contracts are notoriously one-sided with partisan terms and conditions. Unless you negotiate these agreements regularly, the carrier negotiation team will have a tremendous advantage. Without specialized expertise and access to market-data most organizations are doomed. Unfortunately most procurement teams negotiate these deals too infrequently and don’t have access to real-time market data and experience to produce market-leading agreements.
MPLS, voice and data networks, business phone and internet services, wireless devices and services, telephone equipment, data storage, security and backup is just a small sampling of the services that can included in a telecom RFP.
With RFPs, timing is key. Without the proper amount of time, no telecom RFP, no matter how well it is constructed, can produce favorable results. In the telecom industry, time equates to leverage. Limited time equals limited leverage.
CarrierBid’s new telecom RFP tool can produce better results in less time.
Here is a partial list of features:
Creating, implementing and managing telecom RFP’s is one of CarrierBid’s core-competencies. Since 2007 we have helped hundreds of companies procure millions of dollars in telecom contracts.
Few organizations have the expertise, carrier relationships, market data and negotiation skills possessed by CarrierBid.
If you’re responsible for a large telecom inventory and are seeking assistance for telecom RFP, then read our blog and get to know Carrier Bid’s no-cost telecom RFP and how your business can be benefited from it.
No matter whether you’ve been saddled with the task of reducing other telecom costs or shopping your company’s telecom and data networking services, contact CarrierBid today or complete the web form at the bottom of this page.
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