If your business is looking for ways to reduce wireless expenses you’ve come to the right place. There are ways to reduce a corporation’s or large organization’s wireless costs without changing providers; savings can range from 10 to 45%! Check out these effective methods of wireless cost reduction.

Methods of Wireless Cost Reduction

Wireless communication has become an integral part of modern-day business operations. Let’s discuss some practical ways to cut down corporate wireless costs while maintaining connectivity and productivity.

Eliminate unused devices

Wireless Cost Reduction

If you’re working for a large company that has hundreds of devices in circulation, it’s important to review a wireless provider’s (AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon Wireless) usage reports periodically.

Sure there might be some devices designated for emergency use, with little or no usage, and some others may be between employees, but in our time auditing, there’s never been a time when we didn’t uncover ten or more unused phones that our client was unaware of. With taxes and surcharges, the monthly charges can approach $100 per month. Ten phones suspended or eliminated can equal a $1000 in monthly savings.

Manipulate data plans

It might be possible to split one large account into multiple smaller accounts to save on data usage fees. Compare multiple months of usage and your provider’s usage rates, identify the biggest users and make adjustments. Savings can be realized with no policy or employee behavioral changes. You don’t have to reduce your data usage, just the amount you pay for the data you use.

Move heavy international users to providers offering more aggressive rates

One provider’s international rates are so low, we’re unsure how they still make money. If you’re concerned about networks and coverage, most carriers share networks and more and more, calls are being completed over the internet.

Review bills and compare your pricing to your contracted pricing

Wireless companies are not required to deliver the pricing agreed upon in contract negotiations. It’s up to the customer to review bills and enforce pricing. Don’t assume your company’s receiving what was negotiated. The longer you wait the less likely you’ll be able to recover the amount your company was overcharged.

Take advantage of promotional and non-published pricing plans

Even if your company is under contract, your rates can be adjusted. Wireless is much more fluid than its landline equivalent. There are group purchasing plans and promotional pricing available that is more aggressive than the pricing negotiated by very large companies with hundreds of devices.


Managing corporate wireless costs can be challenging, but it’s essential to keep a check on expenses and optimize usage to avoid unnecessary expenses. We hope these tips will help you to reduce corporate wireless costs and help your organization save money. Also, check out our business wireless services if your company is looking for options to effectively reduce wireless expenses.

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