business phone and internet service providersDon’t assume that you’ll receive the pricing and terms you negotiated for and agreed on.

This is the tenth installment of CarrierBid’s eleven part series on the telecom procurement process.

I once procured a number of CenturyLink PRIs for a chain of car dealerships.  CenturyLink offered a single low rate for all the customer’s locations but when the bills arrived, every circuit was priced differently.  We did get the pricing negotiated but if my telecom agency wasn’t involved it might have fallen through the cracks and the work required to correct the error would have kept my client away from their day to day responsibilities.

If you haven’t done so already, create a checklist of key pricing and terms and then compare those to the figures and terms that appear in your billing.

Confirm the following:

  • That you receive the pricing you agreed upon.
  • All the credits and incentives are applied when specified.
  • All waivers are applied and that waived charges don’t appear on your bills.
  • That you receive credit for all your commitment eligible revenue.

Inform the losing companies that they weren’t chosen and provide as much feedback as possible.  Too many times, the reps from those companies are left hanging; unanswered calls and emails are their only clue that they lost the deal.  These voice and data providers and their reps might become gun shy and less responsive to future requests.  Instead of dodging calls and emails it’s better to contact everyone and be done with it.

The telecom procurement process can be arduous and full of pitfalls – there’s no reason to go at it alone – enlist the services of CarrierBid to usher you through the process.

If you would like to receive more information regarding CarrierBid’s telecom consulting and procurement services. please complete the form on the right side of this page.

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  • Please describe how we can help:
    What services are you considering to drive your business higher?
    What challenges are you currently facing?