Are you searching for new ways to improve business operations? Why not leverage game-changing information technology? Mobile devices remain a practical option as the Pew Research Center reported that 85% of Americans own smartphones(1).

Companies can leverage mobile technology through devices equipped with emerging IT. Such innovative technology like a cloud-based cyberbarrier can provide your company with various advantages. The foremost benefits of using such mobile technologies include:

Increased flexibility

Today, fewer people are working 9-to-5 jobs in physical offices. Stanford University reported that in June 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, 42% of the United States labor force was working full-time at home(2).

Mobile devices with innovative IT make it easier for your employees to work whenever and wherever required while still having access to company resources.

Whether commuting or traveling, employees can work within virtual offices, in the field, or from their home office.

Improved Communication

Effective communication is among the most critical elements of business in the digital age. Advanced devices can help achieve good business communication in different industries by providing employees with:

  • Real-time/asynchronous channels
  • Communication anywhere that has wireless connectivity
  • Ability to contact anyone when necessary

In addition, advanced devices also allow different types of business communication, including:

Employee to Clients – Mobile devices with advanced IT make communication with clients more interactive and personalized.

Employee to Employee – Workers can collaborate using their mobile devices through methods like cloud storage. Such digital tools allow employees to share cloud-based documents, for example.

Company to Network – Advanced wireless devices allow easier and more organic connections through online chats using mobile apps.

Improved Collaboration

Telecollaboration has become one of the leading facilitators integrating mobile devices into businesses, ranging from small enterprises to large corporations.

Wireless devices equipped with innovative IT allow employees to connect to the internet from virtually anywhere in the world through options like 5th generation (5G) mobile networks.


Improved Collaboration

Technologies such as the cloud make it easier for your company’s personnel to access company documents and materials to complete collaborative work.

For example, your department’s team members can collaborate through options like Google’s G Suite to access tools such as:

  • Email
  • Chat
  • Video
  • Documents (e.g., Google Docs)
  • Spreadsheets (e.g., Google Sheets)

Improved Data Collection and Usage

Data is essential for today’s companies. For example, online companies must have not only more data but also better and relevant data. Advanced mobile technology provides your departments the ability to find key data for improving the business.

In recent years, mobile-integrated data software have increased in popularity. For example, various enterprise resources planning (ERP) systems feature mobile-friendly data dashboards so users can access real-time data updates.

Better Workflow

Advanced devices can help improve workflow by enhancing the efficiency of business systems. Simplified processes help reduce duplicate efforts so your employees can complete tasks faster.

For instance, your employees in the field can update customer information through cloud storage. The process can help save your company time and effort while reducing errors.

Boosted Productivity

The latest mobile software and applications can make tasks easier, boosting employee productivity as a result. More efficient out-of-office workers can provide your company with a competitive advantage.

It’s still important for you to select user-friendly software for your employees. Meanwhile, the employees must also become familiar with the software. This step will maximize the tools’ effectiveness and worker productivity.

Work Virtually from Anywhere

A recent Gallup poll showed that 44% of Americans preferred to work remotely due to personal preference(3). The study was conducted after governments lifted COVID-19 restrictions.

Improved mobile technology has been one of the main catalysts of the evolving definition of “work.” Its effects have reduced the need for workers to sit at a desk in a physical office.

Today’s workers can access company networks, programs, communication tools, and documents from anywhere using a mobile device and web connectivity.

Improved Worker Responsiveness

Improved Worker Responsiveness

Advanced mobile devices can improve your company’s employee responsiveness through quick-response communication tools such as:

  • Instant chat platforms
  • Laptops and tablets
  • Smartphones

Lower Overhead Costs

Companies must reduce overhead costs and enact long-lasting, cost-cutting steps(4).

New and emerging mobile IT can help your business save time and reduce overhead costs. Such technologies could help workers save minutes or hours completing tasks and projects. Some options include:

  • Mobile video streaming
  • Voice-over-internet protocol (VoIP) phones
  • Cloud computing or storage
  • Scanning or imaging technologies

In Conclusion

As government entities ease restrictions from the coronavirus outbreak, much of the workforce will continue to telecommute full-time or part-time. Mobile devices play an integral role in how, where, and when people work outside traditional brick-and-mortar offices.

Is your company searching for telecom cost-reducing methods to lower your operating costs? If so, then we’re here to help.

Contact CarrierBid so our friendly professionals can conduct a free, no-obligation bill audit. We charge no fees and don’t ask for a percentage of your savings. That’s because we want to help you find the best provider and most suitable technology for your business.


  1. Mobile fact sheet

  1. Stanford research provides a snapshot of a new working-from-home economy

  1. Majority of U.S. workers continue to punch in virtually

  1. Make overhead costs that last

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