IT Directors and CIOs. 

We have a system that’s right for you.

When was the last time you conducted a formal telecom RFP?

Has it been a while?

Are your telecom agreements coming due?

Is your current carrier pressuring you to renew?

Do you think it’s too late to experience the rewards of a formal telecom RFP?

We have a solution…

Telibid by CarrierBid. 

  • East to use, customizable templates
  • Reverse Auction option
  • Developed by subject matter experts
  • Rapid deployment
  • Decision Matrix

Sound intriguing? 

Want more information?

Contact CarrierBid today.

How it works: 

  1. A short call to review your current situation
  2. Schedule a system demo
  3. Create telecom RFP template and identify carriers
  4. Launch in days vs. weeks

Our telecom RFO system: 

  • Is utilized by large, well know companies
  • Will help you achieve best in class pricing and terms
  • Provide insiders’ expertize
  • Produce big savings in half the time
  • Use it and start a bidding war

Contact CarrierBid telecom consulting today or complete the web form on the right side of this page.

Call us at


for immediate service or fill out the
form and we’ll be in touch right away.

  • Please describe how we can help:
    What services are you considering to drive your business higher?
    What challenges are you currently facing?