The business phones today are no longer simple boxes used for outgoing or incoming calls. The telephone systems today are much more complex and come with a host of additional functions than their predecessors. VOIP vs POTS is a comparison of both the telephone services on various parameters. While both…
You might want to know What is PRI, or Primary Rate Interface. It is best defined as a standard for telecommunications interface. It is primarily used for ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) to carry different DS0 data and voice transmissions across the network. As a system that has been in…
CarrierBid, offers both hosted and premise based business phone systems. We don’t favor one type of system over the other; it really depends on what our client’s needs are. In this exercise, I’m only focusing on the positives of both systems. I’ll start out with premise based and then switch…
SD-WAN, known as Software Defined Wide-Area-Network allows a business to manage all of it's data connections, traffic management and hardware for the entire company through a single software package. SD-WAN is transport agnostic and enables multiple network topologies and services to be used such as broadband cable internet access, DSL…
The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), utilizing Time Division Multiplexing, is the platform of choice for small businesses and their alarm lines and fax machines. What happens when the PSTN goes away? You can tell what technologies are going to stick around and which ones are going by the wayside…
In 1907 AT&T’s slogan was “One Policy, One System, Universal Service.” AT&T, through the Kingsbury Commitment, was allowed to operate as a monopoly and not subject to antitrust action. That monopoly continued until 1984. At that point, AT&T was broken up into smaller regional phone companies, called RBOCs, or Regional…
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